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"ARCHITECTURE OF DESIRE" MARRIOT COURTYARD AIRPORT HOTEL EXHIBITION view2 Filip Kurzewski Więcej pomieszczeń Obrazy i malowidła
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"ARCHITECTURE OF DESIRE" MARRIOT COURTYARD AIRPORT HOTEL EXHIBITION view2 Filip Kurzewski Więcej pomieszczeń Obrazy i malowidła

The exhibition presents my architectural creations. They are made with my own mix-media technique, a combination of drawing and painting.

The foundation for the creation of my art is the focus of architecture.

Space and the world surrounding figures appearing in my drawings are not captivated by the frame of reality. It may draw from reality, but in some part it is always a fantasy. In other words, it is the encounter of reality and my vision, whose interpretation I leave to the recipient.

In my drawings, I use repetitions in order to create an atmosphere through addition of various colors, that change the perception of the content, I achieve different graphic interpretations. So the resulting series completes my statement.

Created works I call “the architecture of desire” - because as a result of it – uninhibited need of creation they come to existence. They come into a world where everything is possible…

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